OBJECTENGids Guide, Holland FestivalHolland Festival 1958, Nabeschouwing 1958Holland Festival june 15 - july 15 1958, Preliminary programmeHolland Festival june 15 - july 15 1958Holland Festival, programma 15 juni - 15 juli - 1958Sem Dresden, Francois Villon, Nederlandsche Opera, Holland Festival 1958Theatre d’Aujourd’hui, Samuel Beckett: Fin de partie acte sans parole, Holland Festival, ProgrammaHolland Festival, ProgrammaHenri IV, Pirandello, Theatre National Populaire TNP, Holland Festival 1958L’Etourdi, Moliere, Theatre National Populaire TNP, Holland FestivalVon Heute auf Morgen, Arnold Schoenberg, Erwartung, Holland Festival 1958American Ballet, Theatre, ‘58Ariadne auf Naxos, Deutsche Oper am Rhein, Holland Festival 1958Die Sache Makropoulos, Holland Festival 1958Ballet van het Nationale Theater van Belgrado, Programma, Holland Festival 1958Das Konzert, Wiener Burgtheater, Holland Festival 1958Holland Festival 1958Holland Festival 1958, List of performancesHolland Festival, june 15 - july 15 1958, Preliminary ProgrammeOpening, Holland Festival 1958, StadsschouwburgHolland Festival 1958, Agenda voor AmsterdamHolland Festival 1958Holland Festival 1958, Verdi, Un Ballo in MascheraShakuntala, of de noodlottige ring, Nederlandse Toneelmanifestatie 1958 |