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J.L. Dillard, Perspectives on black EnglishAli A. Mazrui, The political sociology of the English languageJoshua A. Fishman, Advances in the sociology of language, Volume IJoshua A. Fishman, Advances in the creation and revision of writing systemsRik Pinxten, Universalism versus relativism in language and thoughtJanet L. Byron, Selection among alternates in language standardization: The case of AlbanianJanet L. Byron, Selection among alternates in language standardization: The case of Albanian [ontwerp]William M. O’Barr en Jean F. O’Barr, Language and politicsStephen A. Wurm, New Guinea and neighboring areas: a sociolinguistic laboratory, Contributions to the sociology of languageMary Ritchie Key, The relationship of verbal and nonverbal communication, Contributions to the sociology of languageLevic Jessel, The ethnic process, an evolutionary concept of languages and peoples, Contributions to the sociology of languagePhilip A. Luelsdorff, Soviet contributions to the sociology of language, Contributions to the sociology of languagePhilip A. Luelsdorff, The French language and national identity, Contributions to the sociology of languageJoan Rubin, Björn H. Jernudd, e.a., Language planning process, Contributions to the sociology of languageJ.L. Dillard, Perspectives on American English, Contributions to the sociology of languageOscar Uribe-Villegas, Issues in sociolinguistics, Contributions to the sociology of languageSidney Greenbaum, Acceptability in language, Contributions to the sociology of languageJoshua A. Fishman, Advances in the study of societal multilingualism, Contributions to the sociology of languageScott B. Saulson, Institutionalized language planning, Contributions to the sociology of languageMatthew C. Grayshon, Towards a social grammar of language, Contributions to the sociology of language